Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Anime Studio Pro 6 (full)


I spent the last two years working on an award-winning animated documentary, Freedom Dance, doing most of the animation in After Effects and Lightwave for some 3D vehicle, ship, and bird animation. Somehow, in all that laborious work, I had never come across Anime Studio Pro. Now that I’ve had a chance to thoroughly review the most recent incarnation, I realize how much it would have made my life simpler on this film! It's bone based vector and image animation tools would have saved me a tremendous amount of time.

From the opening of the software, I was favorably impressed by this 2D animation program. Even though it was clearly a PC based program to begin with, it worked very well on my Mac G5. There is a PDF quick start tutorial and another PDF manual with more tutorials. Although I had to translate the PC keystrokes to Mac, the tutorials were fairly easy to follow. There were a couple of places where I initially had problems, but upon going back and rereading the text more carefully I was able to find my way through them. I was also able to find a number of additional tutorials on the Anime Studio website ( which also had links to more videos on YouTube. There is a huge base of users of this product out there!

Ease Of Use
Animation is not easy, but Anime Studio Pro goes a long way to make it easier. I had done a lot of cartoon animation in After Effects, which is a great program and I love it, but now that I have Studio Pro I will probably do most of the character animation in ASP.

Award :

Link Download :

