The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing
English | ISBN: N/A | 2011 | 136 pages | PDF (+ various xls, doc, ppt) | 3,7 MB
Discover How to Turn Your Passion into Profit Today
Turning your passion, your blog, into something truly profitable can be quite a challenge. You’re following all the marketing advice you can find online, implementing ‘proven’ promotional tactics. You’re scrambling for the latest books, ebooks, courses, consulting…
Forget the scattergun approach.
Transform Your Blog into a Real Business
The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing—31 Steps to a Profitable Blog is a comprehensive, 31 chapter blueprint for your blog’s ongoing profitability – right from the ground up.
Backed by an extensive library of practical templates, printable worksheets, and in-practice example documents, this kit delivers all you need to make your blog turn a profit now, and over the long term.
Who’s This Kit For?
The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing—31 Steps to a Profitable Blog is designed for bloggers who want to get more out of their blogs.
More readers, more advertisers, and more profits.
You may be:
just starting to think about monetizing your blog
seeking to leverage your blog’s audience to boost revenue
eager to try new marketing techniques, but unsure where to start
hoping to create an income that sustains your blog—and your lifestyle
If you’re the kind of blogger who wants to build their blog to its full potential, The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing—31 Steps to a Profitable Blog is the guide you’ve been waiting for.
DPWMThe Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing
English | ISBN: N/A | 2011 | 136 pages | PDF (+ various xls, doc, ppt) | 3,7 MB
Discover How to Turn Your Passion into Profit Today
Turning your passion, your blog, into something truly profitable can be quite a challenge. You’re following all the marketing advice you can find online, implementing ‘proven’ promotional tactics. You’re scrambling for the latest books, ebooks, courses, consulting…
Forget the scattergun approach.
Transform Your Blog into a Real Business
The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing—31 Steps to a Profitable Blog is a comprehensive, 31 chapter blueprint for your blog’s ongoing profitability – right from the ground up.
Backed by an extensive library of practical templates, printable worksheets, and in-practice example documents, this kit delivers all you need to make your blog turn a profit now, and over the long term.
Who’s This Kit For?
The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing—31 Steps to a Profitable Blog is designed for bloggers who want to get more out of their blogs.
More readers, more advertisers, and more profits.
You may be:
just starting to think about monetizing your blog
seeking to leverage your blog’s audience to boost revenue
eager to try new marketing techniques, but unsure where to start
hoping to create an income that sustains your blog—and your lifestyle
If you’re the kind of blogger who wants to build their blog to its full potential, The Blogger’s Guide to Online Marketing—31 Steps to a Profitable Blog is the guide you’ve been waiting for.
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Such a great articles in my career, It's wonderful commands like easiest understand words of knowledge in information.
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