The Controversy :
The controversy surrounding the game stems from the extremely graphic manner in which the player executes enemies. The game has three 'levels' of executions, and the executions get bloodier as the levels of execution progress. Level 1 executions are quick and the least bloody of the three, while Level 2 executions are considerably more gory, and Level 3 kills are over-the-top fatalities. An example of a Level 1 execution would be suffocating an enemy to death with a plastic bag. A Level 2 execution might feature severing an enemy's testicles by pulling a sickle between his legs. A Level 3 execution can involve stabbing an enemy in the back with a crowbar, following it up by jamming it into the enemy's head, wiggling it in the skull, and finally prying the head off from the spine. The game's graphic presentation of the executions are accentuated in a style reminiscent of a snuff film, and the game encourages players to execute enemies as brutally as possible, awarding players who do so with higher scores.![]() |
The Real Case :
On February 27, 2004 in Leicester, UK, 17-year-old Warren Leblanc lured 14-year-old Stefan Pakeerah into a park and murdered him by stabbing him repeatedly with a claw hammer and knife. Leblanc was reportedly obsessed with Manhunt, although investigation quickly revealed that the killer did not even own a copy of the game. The victim's mother Giselle Pakeerah has been campaigning against violent video games in the UK ever since.The police investigating the case have dismissed any link, as discussed in the relevant articles. |
Game ini dilarang keras beredar di : Australia, Jerman, Korea Utara, Irlandia dan UK
Sebenernya game ini merupakan game yang cukup simple.. yakni game dengan genre snuff movie yang kita mainkan dengan cara 'membunuh target-target' kita dengan cara sebrutal mungkin.
Minimal Spek :
MINIMUMNYA System: 1GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon processor or equivalent RAM: 192 MB Video Memory: 32 MB Hard Drive Space: 2300 MB Other: 32 MB video card with DirectX 8.1 compatible drivers RECOMENDED System: Intel Pentium 4 or AMD Athlon XP processor (or better) or equivalent RAM: 256 MB Hard Drive Space: 2300 MB Other: Gamepad with dual analog controls (USB or Joystick Port); DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card with hardware positional sound |
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Tested !! ;)
next ==> ManHunt2