- Difficulty level: Neophyte -
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Opening Note
This tutorial was written by InFeSt, In hope that it will provide some of you information and basic knowledge on the subject of Social Engineering. This tutorial has been written for educational purposes.
So what is Social Engineering Anyway?
Social Engineering is the art of getting information that you usually wouldn't get from a stranger by using personal skills. Most commonly used for compromising businesses and obtaining corporate information.
You've all seen the movies when there is a con going on and the whole time through the film the con artist has you watching his right leg but he's kicking you in the nuts with his left, Social Engineering is the same your ultimate goal is getting the information you need by asking the right questions in the right manner keeping your target unaware you are taking all this information in to use it against them or associated businesses.
Does Social Engineering Actually Work?
Well think about this for a second, Look at how far technology has advanced since the earlier days with computers.
Quoted from Kevin Mitnick: The Art Of Intrusion
People are Either too Stupid or too Ignorant with Technology Today.
This meaning with the advance in technology people either concentrate too much on the security they have on PC's, Networks etc. These people think they are secure because of these high tech systems, They are wrong.
The second "stupid people" comment is aimed at people who don't understand the new technology put in place so usually fall targets to Social engineers.
The Human Nature?
Humans are what most commonly fail technology, believe it or not. You say passwords are hard to crack? what if it was just as easy as having the skills to basically ask for the password from your target?
Us humans are taught that we should trust eachother, I mean come on what the fuck? humans will always be focused on 4 things, Life, Curiosity, Money and Death. We too often find ourself people are being conned all over the world out of Millions (£$) yet we still ignore it and act like everyone we come across is genuine.
Case Study Keypoints:
1. Social Engineering is the art of obtaining information that would not normally be given to you by a stranger.
2. It is people that fail technology
3. Is there space for trust?