Hero Fighter is a web-based fighting game written in Flash. In August 2008 Marti Wong started creating the Game Engine for Hero Fighter. Ten months later it's almost done and the work on the backgrounds, weapons and characters can start.
Comparative to Marti's last game "Little Fighter 2" the fighting style is quite the same, the graphic is much better. As new feature Marti added a riding system to Hero Fighter - mostly because other popular games have one, too. But in most cases you're just quick and it looks cool while riding on the horse, but most of the moves are disabled and so you can't fight. In this game it's different - you can use moves and fight from the back of the horse.
Also the background improved a lot. You could only scroll them horizontally in the past - in Hero Fighter you can also zoom in and out and scroll vertically - so in the end you've a better illusion of 3d. For very strong characters there're also very heavy weapons which can be used in a 1 vs 100 battle.
Requirements: No special requirements
- License: Freeware / Free
- OS: Windows 7, Vista, XP, 2000, 98, NT
- Publisher: Marti Wong
Download : HERE