SEO Keyword Factory will allow you to create and maintain a search engine friendly web site by building and saving keyword-rich URLs for a better search engine relevance.
The SEO link is created automatically after the search keywords that brings the visitor on that certain page. Google, Yahoo and Bing are now integrated. In order for the component to function properly, webmasters must enable the System SEO Keyword Factory plugin, which detects the referral from the search engine and will allow to create and maintain a search engine relevant website.
The component comes with a link manager, where all created links are displayed, given the webmaster the possibility to add new links or edit existing ones. When editing, the landing page can be changed, the keywords, number of hits and the publishing state of that certain item. The filter function allows a search after relevant words.
At the component settings, global configuration, the webmaster can set the plugin status and the following parameters:
* keywords transformation (upper, lower, capital, unchanged),
* keywords separator,
* link terminator,
* number of columns and rows visible per page in the frontend,
* banned words (if any of this words is found in the search engine keywords, the link will not be generated).
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1 komentar so far
Great, glad to have found this, it's exactly what I have been looking for.
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