The module is based on the COIN-SLIDER "Jquery Image Slider with Unique Effects" script described in the Ivan Lazarevic( and implements a slider image gallery with several slide transition graphical effects.
Coin Slider script is available free under MIT licence.
Module allows to define following settings:
* images folderPictures demo is based on the demo provided by Ivan Lazarevic.
* max 12 images
* gallery parameters: width, height and position (left or centered)
* image parameters:teaser text, teaser background color and text color, url link and target.
Change Log :
V1.4 - 10 March 2011:
- addition of arrows images for navigation in place of textV1.4.1 - 20 march 2011:
- addition of image title field
- access to positionning and styling of gallery, teaser, navigation indicators/buttons
Please read the readme_css.txt help file in the module root directory for css parametrisation information.
More documentation to come in the next few days.
- removed default values for picture 1 (did not allow to remove text caption for picture 1)
V1.4.2 -31 March 2011 (never released)
V1.4.3 - 03 May 2011
- bug correction for jquery non-conflict mode support if the library was not loaded by the module (now always set in non-conflict mode)
- save raw html supported for teaser text
Demo | Download